Banking Living Cells for Future Use
BioCytics specializes in storing your immune and tumor cells, so they remain in the best viable conditions when you need them most. Personalized medicine starts with the understanding that no cancer types are the same. All tumors are unique and must be treated as such. Banking your cells can occur at any time and are yours to use at your discretion. Our team of coordinators, clinicians, and scientists are here to help execute any testing desired and discuss more in detail your options through our personalized medicine services.

Benefits Of Banking Your Cells Include
- Learn how your tumor grows under live cell culture video microscopy
- Learn how your tumor evades your immune system
- Learn how your immune cells mount an immune response against your tumor under live cell culture video microscopy
- Learn what mutations drive your tumor
- Learn if your tumor is acquired or genetically inherited
- Learn what cutting edge research clinical trials that may target your specific tumor based on your tumor mutations and tumor antigens
- Learn more about possible personalized immunotherapeutic options on Phase I clinical trials or single patient Investigation New Drug (IND) trials.